1st Generation 10-in-1 Ration

Note that there are no buy and pay buttons.

Order through the contact form the type and amount of ration kits you're interested in. This way I can calculate the best shipping option.

One components kit is €100 regardless of which type.

Scroll down or click the links for quick navigation:

Menu #1 Menu #2 Menu #3 Menu #4 Menu #5

The first generation can be easily distinguished by the lack of sugar for the coffee in the first two menus and the fruit drinks with the suppers in the last three menus.

Below are the first generation components kits for the 10-in-1 Ration. These can be used as re-filler kits for the 1st and 2nd Half boxes.
You need
two components kits for a complete 10-in-1 Ration.

For simplicity I have included the biscuit boxes with the large red label in the photos. Click here to see what options are offered on some of the packagings.

In the photos a 20-ounce can of vegetables is shown. Included in each kit is one label for a 20-ounce size can, which are hard to find nowadays, and two labels for the more readily available 15-ounce cans that you can find today. No cans are included, only the labels as shown on the cans.

In addition to what is shown you need to find alternative canned items for the K Ration cans, preserved butter, jam, bacon, ham & eggs, bacon & eggs, dehydrated Corned Beef Hash, and English Style Stew.

The small can opener that comes in its square kraft envelope is included in these ration kits.

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